MIDES and AIG sign an agreement to promote technology and innovation in vulnerable communities

MIDES and AIG sign an agreement to promote technology and innovation in vulnerable communities

The Ministry of Social Development (MIDES) and the National Authority for Government Innovation (AIG) signed this Thursday, June 17, a cooperation and technical assistance agreement for the joint development of programs, projects, consultancies and consultancies that will allow the application of technologies of the information and communication for the benefit of sustainable human development.

The agreement was signed by the Minister of MIDES, María Inés Castillo, and the administrator of the AIG, Luis Ricardo Oliva Ramos, as part of a strategic alliance that will allow them to strengthen innovation mechanisms in favor of the most vulnerable populations.

The head of the social portfolio emphasized that this agreement will allow MIDES to obtain new technological tools that will facilitate work in the field, in addition to combating hunger and poverty in the less favored sectors of the country.

"This agreement is aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), specifically with SDG 17, which promotes partnerships as a mechanism to achieve goals that help improve the quality of life of citizens," Castillo said.

The agreement, which has a duration of three years, will facilitate the coordination of actions that promote the efficiency of the social protection system and improve the income-generating capacity of vulnerable citizens in Panama, from the communities, townships and districts.

It will also facilitate the execution of plans, programs and projects to promote the local territorial development of social capital and thus promote broad community participation.

While the AIG undertakes to facilitate MIDES all the collaboration with the administrative procedures required for the better development of its institutional policy. Establishing procedures that guarantee confidentiality standards in the handling of the information that will be exchanged.

To evaluate the progress of this agreement, a commission will be established that will render a written report on the progress of activities and projects to MIDES and AIG authorities, quarterly and annually, in order to identify compliance with the agreements that management is established and evaluated by the results of joint actions.

6/18/2021 2:41:47 PM