Nominated authorities of the electricity sector align with objectives set by President Mulino

The Minister of the Presidency, Juan Carlos Orillac, held, this Friday, a meeting with authorities of entities linked to the operation and regulation of the country's electricity sector, in order to align objectives and work plans, in accordance with the promise of the President of the Republic, José Raúl Mulino, to put order in the provision of public services in the country.

The Minister of the Presidency, Juan Carlos Orillac, held, this Friday, a meeting with authorities of entities linked to the operation and regulation of the country's electricity sector, in order to align objectives and work plans, in accordance with the promise of the President of the Republic, José Raúl Mulino, to put order in the provision of public services in the country.

The Secretary of Energy, Juan Urriola, participated in the meeting; the administrator of the Public Services Authority, Zelmar Rodríguez; the general manager of the Electric Transmission Company (Etesa), Roy Morales; the general manager of Etesa in charge, Víctor González; and Vicente Prescott, general manager of the Electricity Generation Company (Egesa).

Orillac explained to those present the objectives of the Mulino administration for the electricity sector, and announced that the president is already working on the selection of new members for the board of directors of Etesa.

Likewise, he highlighted the clear message that Asep's decision to fine B/. 14 million to the distribution companies Edemet and Edechi, due to deficiencies in the service.

The minister maintained that President Mulino is evaluating the legal situation of the controversial liquidations due to mutual agreements signed in favor of outgoing authorities and directors at Etesa.

The authorities designated by President Mulino are waiting to be ratified by the recently formed Credentials Commission of the National Assembly of Deputies.

7/22/2024 11:29:45 AM