Transition advances in Meduca

In a second meeting on the transition process, at the Ministry of Education (Meduca), the current minister, Maruja Gorday de Villalobos, and her counterpart designated for the position, Lucy Molinar, discussed matters related to human resources, some budgetary issues and administrative, among other programs.

In a second meeting on the transition process, at the Ministry of Education (Meduca), the current minister, Maruja Gorday de Villalobos, and her counterpart designated for the position, Lucy Molinar, discussed matters related to human resources, some budgetary issues and administrative, among other programs.

The National Directors of Human Resources, Pedro Urriola; of Finance, Vielka Tuñón; In addition, the head of the Education Equity and Quality Fund (FECE), Mireyda De Gracia; the Deputy Director General of Education, Victoria Tello.

 The meeting with Gorday de Villalobos was attended by the current vice ministers Ariel Rodríguez Gil, academic; Rosa Argüelles, administrative; and Ricardo Sánchez, infrastructure.

 Molinar, as in the previous meeting on June 12, was accompanied by the vice ministers designated for that administrative institution, Roberto Elías Sevillano Shin; academic, Agnes De León de Cotes; and infrastructure, Delia Marcela Herrera; among other officials who will work in the new administration.

Therefore, the designated minister received a detailed report on the appointments of teachers, also on administrative and education issues in general, in addition, copies of reports on some programs that are managed with their respective explanation were delivered.

 With the entry into office of the new Government officials, the aim is to ensure a transparent, solvent and smooth transition, in the transparency of all information and details about Meduca.

6/19/2024 11:12:41 AM