La Secretaría Nacional de Energía aclara que el proyecto Generadora Gatún, conformado por Inter Energy Group (51 %) y AES Panamá (49 %), cuenta con un 93% de ejecución. Al ser el Estado dueño del 50.46% de las acciones de la empresa AES Panamá, su participación en el Proyecto Generadora Gatún es del 24.7 %.

The National Secretariat of Energy clarifies that the Generadora Gatún project, made up of Inter Energy Group (51%) and AES Panamá (49%), is 93% complete. Since the State owns 50.46% of the shares of the company AES Panamá, its participation in the Gatún Generator Project is 24.7%.

The State, through a capitalization agreement through the Ministry of Economy and Finance together with AES Panama, commits to capitalize Gatún generator in 7.7% of the total cost of the project in a period of three years.  This capitalization will bring returns in dividends to the State corresponding to three times the invested resource. This capitalization, supported by Cabinet Resolution No. 47 of May 16, 2023, has largely contributed to the construction and operation of the Gatún generator, a project that has made an investment of more than one million dollars in community and development projects. social.

When Generadora Gatún enters into operation, during the 15-year duration of its contract, it will contribute to stabilizing the national electricity rate, guaranteeing availability of energy, reducing the volatility of generation costs, since, being a less expensive energy, it replaces the more polluting and higher cost thermal plants efficiently.  It is important to inform citizens that, currently, the electricity rate (70% generation, 26% distribution and 4% transmission) in force includes the rate charges approved by ASEP for the period from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026, that is, a tariff review is carried out every 4 years, and it goes through a public consultation process and is adjusted every six months, based on the Distribution and Marketing Regulations updated in February 2023. For this process, the distribution companies present the proposed components and charges, together with the information supporting the tariff update to the ASEP, and the institution reviews and requests additional information if required. During the semiannual update process, the distribution companies and the National Public Services Authority, represented only by officials officially authorized by the institution, can participate in the process.

6/26/2024 9:40:36 AM