Office of the First Lady and Minsa hold a health day in Felipillo

The "Health on Wheels" clinics provided specialized services. The See and Hear to Learn program carried out visual screening for people over 40 years of age.

The Office of the First Lady, led by Yazmín Colón de Cortizo, in coordination with the Ministry of Health (Minsa), held a health day for the residents of the community of Felipillo, 24 de Diciembre district, province of Panama, for the benefit of 200 people.


The First Lady's Office carried out the "Health on Wheels" program where specialized care was provided with: mammograms, electrocardiograms and placement of subdermal implants (contraceptive).


Likewise, the See and Hear to Learn program of the Office of the First Lady carried out visual screening for adults over 40 years of age with the delivery of reading glasses.


The Ministry of Health, through its Regional Directorate, coordinated the day at its facilities and also performed blood glucose tests.

Number of attentions per service:
 -Glycemic measurement (37)
- Mammography (25)
- Contraceptives (30
- Optometry (84)

5/20/2024 9:15:35 AM