New SARCOM Platform available soon

The General Directorate of Electronic Commerce (DGCE) of the Ministry of Commerce and Industries (MICI), reported that the Commercial Registry Administration System (SARCOM) tool will soon be available for interested parties who choose to register their platforms or digital sales site before the DGCE online, and complying with the provisions described in Article 71 of Law 51 of July 22, 2008.

The General Directorate of Electronic Commerce (DGCE) of the Ministry of Commerce and Industries (MICI), reported that the Commercial Registry Administration System (SARCOM) tool will soon be available for interested parties who choose to register their platforms or digital sales site before the DGCE online, and complying with the provisions described in Article 71 of Law 51 of July 22, 2008.

It should be noted that among the objectives of this project are the following: to provide companies in Panama with a technological tool that allows them to process their registration quickly and agilely, to monitor the process online by interested parties, to eliminate discretion. In the process, protect digital information, maintain an official registry of companies that carry out electronic commerce in Panama, and promote transparency and good practices in the use of the Internet as a means of marketing.

Luis Ayala, General Director of Electronic Commerce, pointed out that electronic commerce in Panama has experienced considerable growth. Currently, more than 10 thousand companies have included the activity of "Internet Commerce" in their Operations Notices, seeing in this modality an opportunity to expand their market and increase the potential of their products, with the aim of achieving greater income and ensuring its long-term sustainability.

"We are finalizing the testing and certification cycle to launch the new SARCOM Platform into production, as part of our commitment to provide the General Directorate of Electronic Commerce with advanced tools and capabilities, thus improving our service to users," said Ayala.

7/18/2024 10:29:53 AM