Environmental Management and MiAmbiente join forces to plant trees in Clayton

Commemorating the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, the Directorate of Environmental Management, together with the Ministry of the Environment (MiAmbiente), organized a symbolic tree planting in Clayton, town of Ancón.

Commemorating the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, the Directorate of Environmental Management, together with the Ministry of the Environment (MiAmbiente), organized a symbolic tree planting in Clayton, town of Ancón.

This activity included the participation of Monsignor José Domingo Ulloa, archbishop of Panama, with the Minister of the Environment, Milciades Concepción, and participants from the two entities.

The objective of planting urban trees is to provide multiple benefits to cities and their inhabitants, so it is essential to care for and protect them.

After the tree planting, the Environmental Management Directorate was invited to the forum “United for the Earth: our legacy, our future”, organized by the Water Security Directorate of the Ministry of the Environment, at the Holiday Inn hotel, Clayton.

High-level speakers spoke about the actions they carry out from their work areas for neutrality in land degradation and the integrated management of water resources, a topic that strengthens the work carried out in the Environmental Management Directorate.

6/19/2024 11:00:44 AM