Mulino Government will make public all the minutes of cabinet councils held since 2014

Among the effects of Resolution No. 61-24, is to lay the foundations for all the minutes of the cabinet councils to be public, including those carried out during the 2014-2019 and 2019-2024 government administrations.

This afternoon the Cabinet Council approved Resolution No. 61-24, "which dictates the Operating Regulations of the Cabinet Council and other provisions."

Among the effects of Resolution No. 61-24, is to lay the foundations for all the minutes of the cabinet councils to be public, including those carried out during the 2014-2019 and 2019-2024 government administrations.

This decision of the cabinet of the President of the Republic of Panama, José Raúl Mulino, nullifies what was established by Cabinet Resolution No. 71 of August 4, 2021. That resolution declared the "minutes, notes, files and other records or records of the discussions or activities of the Cabinet Council, of the president or vice president of the Republic.”

Likewise, the cabinet agreed to present to the National Assembly Bill No. 12-24, "By which the Agreement is Approved within the Framework of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Relating to the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction", adopted in New York, on June 19, 2023.

The general objective of this agreement is to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction, currently and in the long term, through the effective implementation of the relevant provisions of the Convention and greater international cooperation and coordination.

Through Cabinet Resolution No. 63-24, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Javier Martínez Acha, was authorized to present this project before the Legislative Body.

During the Cabinet Council, the Minister of Economy and Finance, Felipe Chapman, presented preliminary details about the country's fiscal situation and public spending.

Following the guidelines already publicly raised by President Mulino, the head of the MEF highlighted as the government's main priority, honoring the debts with the State's creditors for the remainder of the year 2024.

President Mulino ordered to inform the Public Ministry about any anomaly or irregularity detected in each of the State institutions. This does not mean political persecution, but adherence to the law and continuing with the management moving forward with firm steps to finish works, the president said.

7/10/2024 10:32:40 AM