INADEH and Infoplazas prepare technical cooperation agreement

The National Institute of Vocational Training and Training for Human Development (INADEH) held a fruitful meeting with Infoplazas, free community centers that offer Internet access and technology to citizens. At this meeting, opportunities for joint work were explored and the formalization of a cooperation agreement was discussed.

The National Institute of Vocational Training and Training for Human Development (INADEH) held a fruitful meeting with Infoplazas, free community centers that offer Internet access and technology to citizens. At this meeting, opportunities for joint work were explored and the formalization of a cooperation agreement was discussed.

The general director of INADEH, Mariela Salgado, presented the manager of Infoplazas, Luis Cisneros, the INADEH work model and its training offer. During the meeting, it was agreed to move forward with the signing of an agreement to bring Internet, email and other training programs to hard-to-reach communities. This effort is aimed at closing the technological gap in the indigenous population, older adults, as well as the general population.

In addition, it was established that initially Infoplaza facilitators will be trained in customer service, thus improving the user experience in these centers.

The meeting also included the participation of Norma Testa and Gianna Frassati from the Directorate of Vocational Training, and Elbert Rubio from International Technical Cooperation.

6/12/2024 9:04:09 AM