Young man from the Nele Kantule community wins first place in the “Mother Earth” drawing contest

The Ministry of Culture (MiCultura) together with the SOS Albino Foundation handed over 14-year-old Agar Smith, from Guna Yala; Axel Villarreal, also 14 years old, but from the San Miguelito district, and Angie Jiménez, 12 years old, resident in Tocumen, the prizes corresponding to first, second and third place respectively in the third edition of the “Mother Earth” drawing contest.

The Ministry of Culture (MiCultura) together with the SOS Albino Foundation handed over 14-year-old Agar Smith, from Guna Yala; Axel Villarreal, also 14 years old, but from the San Miguelito district, and Angie Jiménez, 12 years old, resident in Tocumen, the prizes corresponding to first, second and third place respectively in the third edition of the “Mother Earth” drawing contest.

There were 36 works received, in which children and young people between 8 and 14 years old, outstanding in drawing, recreated various landscapes full of color, greenery and love of nature, sending a message about the actions that we must carry out to care, protect and conserve the benefits that "mother earth" offers us.

This artistic contest contemplated in the Cultural Cooperation agreement between MiCultura and the SOS Albinos Foundation has the objective of promoting among Panamanian children and youth, using art as a tool, the care of our ecosystem and the importance of nature to preserve life on planet earth.

To choose the winners, the jury was made up of visual artists Gabriel González, Indira Edwards and Nilka Batista who evaluated based on criteria such as message, technique, composition, color and theme.

Gabriel González, representing the jury, highlighted the great talent shown by the children and young people who submitted their work, indicating that this demonstrates the future they want for our country.

While Akeban Velarde, president of the SOS Albinos Foundation of Panama, thanked the Ministry of Culture for the support of carrying out this contest and supporting the initiatives carried out by this organization.

6/20/2024 10:31:30 AM