The First Lady of the Republic and the MIDES minister inaugurate the first exhibition of STEAM projects between CAIPI

The event, which took place in the City of Arts, located in the Llanos de Curundú, was inspired by the FIRST LEGO LEAGUE FLL 2024 Educational Program, whose central theme is "MASTERPIECE - "MASTERPIECE

The First Lady of the Republic, Yazmín Colón de Cortizo, in the company of the Minister of Social Development (MIDES), María Inés Castillo, inaugurated the first exhibition of STEAM projects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics, by its acronym). in English) of the Centers for Comprehensive Early Childhood Care (CAIPI), an event that brought together more than 100 boys and girls under 4 years of age from all over the country.

The boys and girls from 14 CAIPI, along with their parents and teachers, attended from different provinces such as: Herrera, Coclé, Los Santos, Veraguas, Colón, Panamá Oeste and Panamá.

"I am excited to see how from early childhood we are sowing that seed of STEAM and robotics education, today children from 14 CAIPI have shown us their projects where they developed their skills and abilities," said Yazmín Colón de Cortizo, First Lady of the Republic.

Meanwhile, Minister Castillo emphasized that the exhibition of STEAM projects (the first in the country) allows children to develop knowledge and creativity through play, teamwork and curiosity, while appropriating important values. such as respect, friendship and solidarity.

Minister Castillo stressed that it is not a competition, but rather an exhibition where boys and girls play, have fun and learn through discovery.

Likewise, he explained that, through the STEAM methodology, children develop a wide potential for creativity and commitment, by facing challenges that they find attractive.

"By having adequate resources and the support of motivated leaders, boys and girls achieve their full development," said Minister Castillo.

The event, which took place in the City of Arts, located in the Llanos de Curundú, was inspired by the FIRST LEGO LEAGUE FLL 2024 Educational Program, whose central theme is "MASTERPIECE - "MASTERPIECE".

During the exhibition, the young students presented projects based on the practice of knowledge acquired in the classrooms. Each CAIPI was represented by a leading teacher and four students who expressed their proposal in a model and screen.

5/17/2024 9:19:50 AM