Key self-care and vaccination measures in the prevention of Influenza

The population is reiterated to implement prevention methods, after the increases in cases and deaths due to influenza, dengue and COVID -19.

The Department of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health (Minsa) issued the data corresponding to epidemiological week No. 24, on the registration of cases of influenza, malaria, Zika, leishmaniasis, chikungunya, hantavirus, screwworm, dengue, monkeypox and COVID-19.


The Department of Epidemiology of the Minsa reported that, as of June 20, 48 deaths due to influenza have been reported, of which a total of 6 deaths were recorded this last week. 

The geographical distribution of the number of deaths by region is headed by Panama Oeste with 11, followed by Chiriquí with 9, Panama Metro with 6, Coclé with 5, Panamá Norte 3, Bocas del Toro 3, Los Santos 3, San Miguelito and Veraguas 2 ; while, Colón, Herrera, and Darién, Ngäbe Buglé region with 1 each.

Of the total of 48 deaths, 10 are minors, including a child under 10 months old from Bocas del Toro, 8 minors between 1 and 9 years old, (Chiriquí 3, Bocas del Toro 2, Comarca Ngäbe Buglé 1, Coclé 1, Veraguas 1), 1 was 17 years old and 38 adults between 46 and 99 years old, of which 33 deaths were in people over 65 years old.

It is worth mentioning that a total of 46 of the registered deaths (96%) did not have an influenza vaccine; all had risk factors including age, metabolic, cardiovascular, malnutrition, immunosuppression and respiratory disease.

 There are 122 people hospitalized due to influenza, of which 104 are in the ward and 18 in intensive care.

The hospital facilities with the highest number of patients are: Complejo Hospitalario Dr. Arnulfo Arias Madrid with 41, Hospital Regional Nicolás A. Solano (19), Hospital Regional Rafael Hernández (9), Ciudad de la Salud (11), Hospital Santo Tomás (10), Irma Lourdes Tzanetatos 6 Hospital, Omar Torrijos Herrera Pediatric Specialties Hospital (3), Rafael Estévez Hospital (3), Raúl Dávila Mena Hospital (3), National Hospital (3), Gustavo Nelson Collado Hospital (6) , Manuel Amador Guerrero Hospital (2), Luis “Chicho” Fábrega Hospital (4) and Chepo Regional Hospital (1) and San Miguel Arcángel Hospital (1).  

The MINSA invites the general population to the vaccination day that takes place in the different hospital centers, in addition to the various public spaces that will be enabled for mass inoculation against influenza.

6/24/2024 2:15:55 PM