Meduca advances in consultations for the regulation of Law 88 of indigenous peoples

During the ordinary session of the National Council for the Comprehensive Development of Indigenous Peoples (Condipi), the accountability of the Government's management in this five-year period to the indigenous peoples was presented, in which the Ministry of Education (Meduca) supported the efforts. and progress during this administration, regarding the issue of the regulation of Law 88 of November 22, 2010 and other

During the ordinary session of the National Council for the Comprehensive Development of Indigenous Peoples (Condipi), the accountability of the Government's management in this five-year period to the indigenous peoples was presented, in which the Ministry of Education (Meduca) supported the efforts. and progress during this administration, regarding the issue of the regulation of Law 88 of November 22, 2010 and other issues.

In the meeting with indigenous peoples and partners, in this case, the ministries of Education, Government, Health (Minsa), Economy and Finance (MEF) and the World Bank, the Minister of Education, Maruja Gorday de Villalobos, said that “This administration leaves a proposal for a diagnosis so that multigrade and telebasic schools can be evaluated and diagnosed and see how this transitions to another focus of care, which is relevant, from an intercultural point of view.”

He added that everything that was generated at the class level in the mother tongue and in being able to respect that interculturality, not only the language but the uniforms, we all know that we are talking about something that seems simple, but you and we, who understand the cultural approach of respect for tradition and everything that clothing represents, we enforced what was stipulated.

The work carried out in the Guna Yala region, with everything that was the curricular contextualization from initial education to sixth grade, a unique and unprecedented situation in the country, is already in an advanced process of review and validation. Just as there are Spanish guides, there are also guides in the mother tongue.

We will also implement the Ari Taen Jadenkä program in 2023, in a second phase in 174 educational centers, to teach mathematics in the Ngäbere language. The way mathematics is taught and learned is not like in Spanish. When we talk about interculturality, about relevance, we talk about those concepts.

In addition to the Minister of Education, there was Ismael Jaén, Vice Minister of Indigenous Affairs of the Ministry of Government, staff from Minsa, the World Bank and officials from the MEF.

5/23/2024 9:17:30 AM