Meduca receives guides for teaching geology

The Pilot Plan project for Teacher Training at the Piedra Jabón Geosite has generated, among its results, support for compliance with Law 378 of May 3, 2023 on Education Policy for Sustainable Development (SDG).

The Technological University of Panama (UTP) delivered to the Ministry of Education the 'Guide for teaching geology in the fourth, fifth and sixth grade of primary school', a document that has been considered by this entity as a complementary text for natural sciences subjects. , social sciences and Spanish.

The Minister of Education, Maruja Gorday de Villalobos, maintained that these guides are part of the alliances that have been made with different academic areas and with the UTP they seek to mainstream the topic of geology and geolodactics in primary school students.

These programs generate research and inquiry processes, since students will develop in the scientific area and the knowledge will be used in other subjects and will produce comprehensive competencies.

For his part, Angelino Harris, dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering at UTP, explained that the delivery of the guide is the product of the Pilot Plan project for the Training of Teachers in Geolodactics at the Piedra Jabón Geosite.

The project was developed in 2023 and allowed the training of 38 educators of various grades from the Membrillo Bilingual School, the Simón Martínez Pérez Educational Center and the Víctor Pérez Flores Bilingual School and youth and adult teachers from the town of Pajonal, all located in the province of Coclé .

The Pilot Plan project for Teacher Training at the Piedra Jabón Geosite has generated, among its results, support for compliance with Law 378 of May 3, 2023 on Education Policy for Sustainable Development (SDG).

The purpose is to ensure that all students acquire the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge to promote sustainable development, which provides tools for mastering knowledge of geosciences and environmental sciences.

6/21/2024 9:09:09 AM