MiAMBIENTE continues with the construction of ecological stoves in Colón

This Atiza Esperanza program will impact more than 178 benefited families who reside in the communities that are within the Colmena Plan in the province of Colón

As part of the Atiza Esperanza Program carried out by the Ministry of the Environment (MiAMBIENTE), through the Environmental Culture section of the Colón Regional Directorate, Strengthening workshops in the Construction of Ecological Stoves are carried out, with the aim of giving continuity of this program in this province.

This Atiza Esperanza program will impact more than 178 benefited families who reside in the communities that are within the Colmena Plan in the province of Colón; focuses on environmental education and community strengthening in the construction of ecological stoves in the communities of the districts of Chagres and Omar Torrijos Herrera, in order to change their lifestyle and minimize practices that can affect their health and the environment.

Aracelis Morales, in charge of the Environmental Culture section of MiAMBIENTE Regional of Colón, expresses that since the launch of the project in June 2023, 75% progress has been achieved, with the support of the community boards of Health, Chagres , and San José del General with the construction of 92 ecological stoves, impacting 92 benefited and sensitized families on environmental issues, providing advice and supervision by the institution, so that each housewife can put into practice what they have learned, achieving the well-being of the home.

The official affirms that the Atiza Esperanza program is an initiative that builds ecological stoves to save firewood and control deforestation in communities benefited by the Colmena Plan.

For his part, Raúl Mariota, head of the Gatún Lake protected and recreational area, was in charge of the induction, introducing the participants to the materials, techniques, measurements and methodology of making ecological stoves. The workshop was held at the residence of one of the beneficiaries of the program in the Antena sector in Nuevo Chagres, Chagres district.

Publisher Information

The Colmena Plan is a multisector strategy that seeks to promote territorial development processes by enhancing public policy and State institutions in areas of poverty and vulnerability by articulating a series of services aimed at satisfying fundamental human needs.

5/20/2024 11:26:47 AM