MiAMBIENTE and COONAPIP sign technical cooperation agreement

he Ministry of the Environment (MiAMBIENTE) and the National Coordinator of Indigenous Peoples of Panama (COONAPIP) signed a Technical Cooperation Agreement. This agreement aims to implement and strengthen national environmental policies in collective territories and indigenous regions.

The Ministry of the Environment (MiAMBIENTE) and the National Coordinator of Indigenous Peoples of Panama (COONAPIP) signed a Technical Cooperation Agreement. This agreement aims to implement and strengthen national environmental policies in collective territories and indigenous regions.

At the signing ceremony of the agreement, the institution signed the agreement with the Minister of the Environment, Milciades Concepción, and Marcelo Guerra Pérez, president of the Buglé people, representing COONAPIP, accompanied by the Vice Minister of the Environment, Diana Laguna.

This agreement also has the signature of representatives of the Kuna Wargandi Comarca, Guna Yala, Ngabe-Buglé, Naso Tjërdi, Embera Wounaan, Kuna de Madugandi, Embará Wounaam Collective Lands, of the Wounaam People, Embera Alto Bayano, Dule de Ancestral Territory Takargunyala, and Bri Bri.

Minister Concepción highlighted that the signing of this agreement is based on the regulations of free and informed prior consultation and consent to guarantee full participation of the main actors and with a view to increasing forest cover, environmental quality, biodiversity and a healthy life. of communities in harmony with natural resources.

“In this sense, we consider that the signing of the technical cooperation agreement represents a step in our growing path towards the promotion of the collective and identity rights of indigenous peoples,” said Concepción.

During his speech the minister said that “we feel extremely satisfied to be able to launch this initiative that will provide greater responsibility to each individual, community and indigenous sector. Without a doubt, this constitutes one of the goals pursued by the Indigenous Peoples' Environment Office and it will gladly participate in the implementation of this agreement for the benefit of the country's communities," emphasized the head of the environment portfolio.

Marcelo Guerra Pérez, president of the Buglé people, expressed that this agreement underlines the commitment to inclusion and respect for indigenous communities, highlighting the recognition of their rights and the protection of territories.

6/11/2024 11:52:53 AM