MIDES holds a training day for the administrators of the Comprehensive Early Childhood Care Centers

The “Payment by Result” model is an innovative tool that is aligned and focused on taking advantage of work plans.

With the objective of reinforcing the accountability processes and the guidelines established for the administration of the Comprehensive Early Childhood Care Centers (CAIPI), the Ministry of Social Development (MIDES) trained 42 CAIPI Agents, who have the responsibility to report the use of public funds.

The training activity was established over a period of five (5) days, where reference data was provided to allow the appropriate use of State funds, with a view to improving quality in the CAIPI.

In this process, issues related to the Quality System in the CAIPI were addressed, which contemplates an evaluation of quality standards that allow obtaining results from operation and functioning practices, focused on a comprehensive portfolio of services.

To achieve this quality, a payment system has been established based on the results of each care unit, in order to guarantee the acquisition of resources that allow for welcoming spaces, with age-appropriate materials and other components that determine optimal attention and service.

To become familiar with these regulations, dynamics and work tables were held among the participants, who learned to apply the new concepts that will help them correctly develop expenses and investments within the CAIPI.

The National Supervisor of the MIDES CAIPI, Pastorita Castillo, indicated that these spaces are key, because they reinforce the commitment that the administrators have in their daily functions.

The “Payment by Result” model is an innovative tool that is aligned and focused on taking advantage of work plans.

5/22/2024 9:25:57 AM