MIDES and Mitradel propose an alliance that will allow the beneficiaries of Padrino Empresario to access the My First Employment project

The Minister of Social Development (MIDES), Beatriz Carles de Arango and her counterpart of Labor and Labor Development (Mitradel), Jackeline Muñoz, are carrying out talks to establish a strategic alliance that will allow the beneficiaries of Padrino Empresario to access the project: Mi Primer Employment, whose main objective is to help guarantee employment for the young population.

The Minister of Social Development (MIDES), Beatriz Carles de Arango and her counterpart of Labor and Labor Development (Mitradel), Jackeline Muñoz, are carrying out talks to establish a strategic alliance that will allow the beneficiaries of Padrino Empresario to access the project: Mi Primer Employment, whose main objective is to help guarantee employment for the young population.

The alliance between these two ministries ratifies the commitment of the President of the Republic, José Raúl Mulino, to promote economic growth in the country through synergy with private companies.

Minister Carles de Arango explained that now the beneficiaries of Padrino Empresario, upon concluding their participation in the program, will directly access My First Employment. He highlighted that this initiative will directly benefit 320 young people between 15 and 17 years old who are currently enrolled in the program.

Meanwhile, Minister Muñoz assured that through this cooperation opportunities will be generated and it will contribute to the productive lives of young people who today are looking for decent employment.

Padrino Empresario is a program that is aimed at students at social risk who, through a work internship, receive a scholarship of B/. 195.00 to B/. 292.50 monthly, according to the number of hours in which they are trained, which range from 4 to 6 hours a day.

During the time of the internship, students receive academic supervision through monitoring of newsletters, tuition payment receipts, and visits to colleges. Students also participate in training sessions that are aimed at both adolescents and tutors, on topics of their own reality.

This is a very interesting program, because it combats school dropouts, promotes first employment and helps promote the development of companies with enthusiastic and committed young people.

While My First Job of Mitradel is a job intermediation project that facilitates the first work experience for young high school graduates, university students, vocational schools or those with technical training from the National Institute of Vocational Training and Training for Human Development (INADEH). , between 17 and 24 years of age.

This project, which will begin on August 1, 2024, will benefit a thousand young people in its first stage, as part of the budget allocated for this year.

7/19/2024 10:27:40 AM