Minister María Inés Castillo presents the progress, challenges and challenges of children and adolescents in Panama

With the purpose of strengthening the System of Guarantees and Comprehensive Protection of the Rights of Children and Adolescents in Panama, the Minister of Social Development (MIDES), María Inés Castillo, presented the progress, challenges and challenges within the framework of the Plan Strategic Plan of the National Government 2019-2024, outlined for children and adolescents.

With the purpose of strengthening the System of Guarantees and Comprehensive Protection of the Rights of Children and Adolescents in Panama, the Minister of Social Development (MIDES), María Inés Castillo, presented the progress, challenges and challenges within the framework of the Plan Strategic Plan of the National Government 2019-2024, outlined for children and adolescents.

 During her presentation, Minister Castillo highlighted the importance of inter-institutional collaboration and training to implement public policies that strengthen the programs of the Ministry of Social Development (MIDES). Likewise, he thanked civil society, foundations, NGOs and international organizations for promoting these changes, which will create a more inclusive and cohesive society.

Achievements achieved

Early Childhood Regulations and Public Policies

Minister Castillo detailed the significant advances made during the administration of the President of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizo Cohen:

– Law 171 of 2020 on Comprehensive Protection of Early Childhood and Early Childhood Development, which establishes the guidelines for the functioning and operability of the Technical Secretariat for Comprehensive Early Childhood Care.
– Executive Decree No. 13 of 2022 regulates Law 171 of 2020 and creates the 2022-2027 five-year management strategy of the Comprehensive Early Childhood Care Route with the RAIPI strategy “With you in Early Childhood.”
– Ministerial Resolution No. 150 of 2023 approves the Early Childhood Services Management Manual and creates the Guide for Comprehensive Risk Management in Comprehensive Early Childhood Care Centers (CAIPI).
– Executive Decrees that regulate the Playground Guidelines; and the Technical References for Initial Education, which regulates the Practical Care Guides for the Community and Family Modality subdivided into 3 age groups: 0 to 18 months, 19 to 30 months and 31 to 47 months.

Programs to expand Early Childhood Care Coverage:
– Cuidarte Backpack Project: This innovative program, which began during the Covid-19 pandemic, supported 5,000 people directly in 2021 and is projected to impact 2,100 people directly in 2024-2025.
– Cuidarte Program: It benefited 1,200 people in 2022 and is expected to benefit 3,000 children and caregivers directly between 2024-2026.
– Model With You Growing: It benefited 2,133 boys, girls and adolescents in the Emberá Wounaan Region and Panama Oeste and is projected to benefit 480 people in 2024-2025.

6/10/2024 10:02:48 AM