Minister María Inés Castillo holds the first transition meeting with Beatriz Carles de Arango, Minister of Social Development designated for the period 2024-2029

With the aim of starting the transition process in a transparent and organized manner, the Minister of Social Development (MIDES), María Inés Castillo, and the Vice Minister Milagros Ramos Castro, met with the designated minister, Beatriz Carles de Arango and part of her work team.

With the aim of starting the transition process in a transparent and organized manner, the Minister of Social Development (MIDES), María Inés Castillo, and the Vice Minister Milagros Ramos Castro, met with the designated minister, Beatriz Carles de Arango and part of her work team.

During the meeting, Minister Castillo, also accompanied by some directors of the institution, presented a detailed report on the 2019-2024 management of MIDES. In addition, fundamental aspects of the institutional structure were discussed to provide a clear vision of MIDES.

For me it is an honor to offer to welcome the new minister and her work team to her home, MIDES, -said Minister Castillo- an institution that looks after people in vulnerable situations.

“Today we begin an orderly and transparent transition, as requested by the President of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizo Cohen. An unprecedented transition that has been the product of that decision to be transparent and accountable,” Minister Castillo highlighted.

He added that in the administration of President Cortizo Cohen, for the first time in more than 15 years, the external evaluation of the Conditional Monetary Transfer Programs (PTMC) was carried out through the renowned Center for Educational and Social Studies of Mexico and the Program of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), which certified that these social programs have an impact on school permanence and guarantee better nutrition and access to health services in children, adolescents and older people.

He also emphasized that for the first time citizens can consult the breakdown of the PTMC and state subsidies on the MIDES website, which demonstrates the level of commitment that the Government of President Cortizo Cohen has with the processes of transparency and accountability.

Meanwhile, the designated minister, Carles de Arango, indicated that her administration's priority objective is to maintain the social justice offered by the National Government through MIDES. In addition, he referred to the need to continue reaching the most vulnerable population in Panamanian territory with programs such as Volunteering and Literacy, among others.

6/11/2024 9:41:08 AM