Minister of the Presidency installs the Board of Directors of the Corporation for the Integral Development of Colón

Made up of 11 members, the Council's functions include planning, promoting and managing the comprehensive development of the province of Colón.

The Minister of the Presidency, José Simpson Polo, installed this afternoon the Board of Directors of the Corporation for the Comprehensive Development of Colón, in accordance with Executive Resolution No. 27 of April 30, 2024, in an event held in the Paz Room of the Presidency.

The Board of Directors, made up of 11 members, has among its functions the planning, promotion and management of the comprehensive development of the province of Colón. Simpson Polo stated that the managers will be the guarantors of compliance with the functions of the Plan.

“For decades the province of Colón has suffered a serious crisis, both socially and economically. It is time for Columbus to assume responsibility for his own destiny through a clear and effective instrument of mandate, a strategic plan towards a dignified life that everyone deserves,” highlighted the Minister of the Presidency.

The project establishes the creation of the Corporation for the Integral Development of Colón as a public entity with administrative autonomy. It will have a Board of Directors, an Executive Technical Board and a General Directorate with representation of the Executive, businessmen, popular sectors and the academic sector. Its objectives include: influencing the implementation of the Plan at an adequate pace, proposing updating the Plan and serving as a space for dialogue between the sectors of the province, among others.

The Board of Directors is made up of Ali Waked, from the Ministry of the Presidency; Guillermo Salazar, Ministry of Economy and Finance; Giselle González, Ministry of Culture; Manuel González, Ministry of Agricultural Development; Candice Herrera, Ministry of Commerce and Industries; Maricela Rodríguez and Marco Zárate, from the business sector of Colón; Juan Jované De Puy and Eugenio Meneses, for the popular sector; Víctor Alexis, from the academic sector, University of Panama; and Evet Clachar, from the Technological University of Panama.

In this way, Colón becomes the first province to have a Comprehensive Development Plan, prepared from the bottom up and which will serve as a guide for other provinces and regions to develop a similar strategy.

5/15/2024 10:39:16 AM