Minsa collaborates with MITRADEL in launching a campaign to eradicate child labor

The Ministry of Health of the Chiriquí Region, together with the Ministry of Labor, held an awareness day to eradicate child labor in the country, an activity that had as its epicenter the San Cristóbal school, in the district of David.

The Ministry of Health of the Chiriquí Region, together with the Ministry of Labor, held an awareness day to eradicate child labor in the country, an activity that had as its epicenter the San Cristóbal school, in the district of David.

“We want the integration of the rights that children have, such as the right to health, education, recreation and housing,” said Dr. Aura Sousa, regional coordinator of the Childhood and Adolescence program.

“We want to encourage other institutions to participate in campaigns to eradicate child labor,” Sousa highlighted.

Meanwhile, Eyra Martínez, regional coordinator of Health Education, added that it is an activity articulated by different departments and entities as well as the local health team, in order to strengthen healthy lifestyles and the practice of hygiene measures. basic and care for the environment.

Both officials stressed that it is important to transmit these messages to children to strengthen preventive education in them; In addition, the demonstration workshops and recreational games focused on this year's motto "For more happy children, I fight against child labor."

Meanwhile, Luis Hernández, a teacher at the San Cristóbal school, highlighted the benefits of the activity and the importance of organized institutions and society participating in the comprehensive development of children.

The San Cristóbal school has 432 students, sites where the event was held in which the Commission for the Eradication of Child Labor and Protection of the Working Adolescent Population (CETIPPAT), the National Police, the National Secretariat for Children and Adolescents also collaborated. and Family, Casa Esperanza and the Ombudsman's Office.

6/21/2024 9:28:26 AM