Mitradel holds first official transition meeting

In addition, the meeting analyzed the achievements made, data on the employment programs that were implemented, the 2024 budget and the 2025 draft, the organizational chart, and the importance of continuing the dialogue as an appropriate mechanism to achieve the transformations was highlighted. that the country requires, said Minister Zapata.

The Minister of Labor and Labor Development, Doris Zapata Acevedo, received this Thursday, June 13, the Minister Designate, Jackeline Muñoz de Cedeño, along with her team, to begin the ministerial transition in a transparent manner and hand over to the authorities who will begin its constitutional functions as of July 1, the information corresponding to the programs, services and projects directed by the Ministry.

“This meeting has been held in an orderly manner, as requested by the President of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizo Cohen, in order to present a detailed and complete report of the 2019-2024 administration in a responsible manner for the benefit of Panamanians,” he said. Minister Doris Zapata.

During his presentation, he mentioned the services offered to users and the technological tools that were implemented in the institution with the aim of streamlining processes and modernizing customer service for the benefit of workers and employers.

In addition, the meeting analyzed the achievements made, data on the employment programs that were implemented, the 2024 budget and the 2025 draft, the organizational chart, and the importance of continuing the dialogue as an appropriate mechanism to achieve the transformations was highlighted. that the country requires, said Minister Zapata.

For her part, the Designated Minister, Jackeline Muñoz de Cedeño, expressed her satisfaction with the meeting held in a professional manner, with all the timely information. “We have found a ministry with human personnel committed to the country. We have a challenge that we will formally assume to continue with public policies on labor matters and we will continue developing integration plans for young people,” he added.

This transition process will continue in the coming days, until June 21, as established by the Presidential Transition Commission, to know the performance of all directorates, offices and areas, and guarantee the continuity of the services offered by Mitradel to Nacional level.

6/14/2024 11:01:42 AM