Mitradel will reinforce the labor inclusion of People with Disabilities

More than 100 companies have been sensitized to promote the hiring of People with Disabilities

The inclusion of People with Disabilities in the labor market will be one of the primary objectives of the Ministry of Labor and Labor Development (Mitradel), during the administration of the regent of the labor portfolio, Jackeline Muñoz de Cedeño, reinforcing the work of the entity through intermediation with companies for the hiring of labor, through the provisions of Law No. 15 of May 31, 2016.

It should be noted that article No. 51 of the aforementioned Law states that: “every private company that has twenty-five to fifty workers must have a minimum of one Person with Disabilities (PwD) within its workforce.” The company that has more than fifty workers must have a proportion of no less than 2% of workers with disabilities.”

Mitradel, through the Employment Directorate and its Department of Socioeconomic Integration of People with Disabilities, has inserted more than 69 (PwD) into the labor market from January to May 2024, and has raised awareness on this issue 103 companies nationwide, guaranteeing the integration and right of People with Disabilities to opt for productive and paid employment.

The institution will also carry out labor certification for companies to obtain the tax incentive, according to Decree No. 60 of April 19, 1993, in which it recognizes the employer who hires Persons with Disabilities, double the salary earned by the Persons. with Disability up to a minimum equivalent to six (6) months in each fiscal period, as a deductible expense for determining taxable income.

It is important to highlight that those People with Disabilities, who wish to present a case, acquire a job, or entrepreneurs who are interested in hiring this workforce, can go to the Ministry of Labor, located in Plaza Edison, 5th floor, Department of Socioeconomic Integration of People with Disabilities, the Employment Directorate, or call the telephone numbers: 504-1863 or 504-1729.

7/8/2024 10:42:28 AM