Miviot: 495 minors will live in guna resettlement

A total of 495 minors will occupy the resettlement in the Guna Region, when the moves from Gardí Sugdub Island to the Nuevo Cartí Urbanization project, renamed by the Gunas as Isber Yala, are completed. This is a population between zero and 17 years old, where 241 are males and 254 are females.

A total of 495 minors will occupy the resettlement in the Guna Region, when the moves from Gardí Sugdub Island to the Nuevo Cartí Urbanization project, renamed by the Gunas as Isber Yala, are completed.

This is a population between zero and 17 years old, where 241 are males and 254 are females.

According to a report from the Department of Social Work of the Ministry of Housing and Territorial Planning (Miviot), which will deliver the residential work on dry land this Wednesday, the 300 beneficiary families are broken down into a total of 1,351 people.

The information, which was obtained from social evaluations on the island, indicates that from zero to 5 years old there are 90 infants; From 6 to 11 years old there are 199 children; and from 12 to 17 years old, 206 adolescents were reported.

Likewise, the official report highlights 856 adults who will move to the Nuevo Cartí – Isber Yala Urbanization, of which 138 range in the age range of 65 to 93 years, considered older adults.

Among the long-lived gunas, who will get a home with two bedrooms, a living-dining room, a kitchen, a hygienic bathroom, a laundry room and a small porch, is José Davies Iguatioquiña, 83 years old, who is the sahila and has two children: Joseph and Yenibeth Davies , 37 and 31 years old, respectively, who are dedicated to fishing, agriculture and home.

In addition, two girls, nieces of the beneficiary, live in that home, Yeineth Rosas and Camila Davies, 9 and 6 years old, respectively, who are at school on the Gardí Sugdub island, affected by overcrowding and climate change.

The Minister of Housing, Rogelio Paredes, explained that President Laurentino Cortizo Cohen will deliver the residential project in a formal ceremony in Narganá and then in the following week the moves will be made to the houses, where it has been coordinated with personnel and there will be the use of boats.

“This work respects the Guna traditions, because it includes the construction of the Congress House and the traditional La Chicha House, with native materials. The residential area has signposted streets, power lines, parks and an aqueduct system,” said Paredes.

The National Government's priority was to finish the residential complex on the 14 hectares where it was developed, unique in a regional area, which began its construction on site in January 2020, with an investment of 12.2 million balboas.

5/30/2024 10:22:07 AM