Moltó promotes alliances with businessmen to strengthen the economy

The Minister of Commerce and Industries, Julio Moltó, makes positive progress in the approach strategy with businessmen and interest groups, in line with the national government's strategic plan to promote a solid trade agenda

The Minister of Commerce and Industries, Julio Moltó, is making positive progress in the approach strategy with businessmen and interest groups, in line with the national government's strategic plan to promote a solid trade agenda. In this context, he met with the president of the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama, Juan Arias, where they shared actions aimed at improving the national economy, focusing mainly on attracting foreign investment and actively promoting competitive advantages. of Panama in the international market through free trade agreements.


“In our ministry we keep our doors open and we will continue to work closely with all interest groups to define joint actions that promote economic growth,” said the minister.


For his part, Arias expressed his willingness to collaborate closely with the ministry to guarantee that public policies facilitate private investment, promote job creation and promote the comprehensive advancement of all sectors involved.

7/17/2024 10:15:41 AM