Panama adopts a national strategy to promote citizen participation in the fight against climate change

This is a comprehensive effort by the country to confront climate change in a sustainable and equitable manner. This strategy, developed with the support of the Euroclima+ program, is framed in the commitments of the Paris Agreement and seeks to strengthen national capacities to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change.

After an extensive consultation process supported by the European Union through the "Euroclima Program", the National Action Strategy for Climate Empowerment (ENACE Panama) was presented in Panama City.

This is a comprehensive effort by the country to confront climate change in a sustainable and equitable manner.

The strategy, developed with the support of the "Euroclima program", is framed in the commitments of the Paris Agreement and seeks to strengthen national capacities to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change.

It was developed in two phases; In the first phase, a participatory process was carried out that included a series of interviews and virtual workshops, as well as a “Think Tank” workshop in which valuable information was collected for the creation of the document.

A national survey was also carried out, both in person and virtually, on the perception of Panamanians about climate change.

The results provided us with the tools to understand our current situation and how we should approach the document.

In its second phase, the final document was the result of an extensive socialization process developed between August and September 2023, with the support of the European Union through Euroclima, its main cooperation program for the development of climate policies in America. Latin and the Caribbean.

There were eight workshops (one national in scope and seven regional) held to share the draft of the "ENACE Panama" and collect contributions to the text, in which more than 600 people participated, representing the national government, regional governments, municipalities, the academia, the private sector and the country's civil society, including representatives of the indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples of Panama.
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6/19/2024 10:54:10 AM