Panama has four territorial planning plans in execution and 10 in development

With these local and partial plans, which aim to promote the use, occupation and management of the land, in accordance with the economic, social, urban and environmental objectives in the study area, a population of approximately 68 thousand 663 Panamanians benefits. .

Four of 14 partial and local territorial planning plans were approved and implemented in different districts of the country, where municipalities must ensure orderly growth, through the proposed updated planning and regulations.

The Directorate of Territorial Planning of the Ministry of Housing and Territorial Planning (Miviot), through a recent report, announced that these are the local plans of Atalaya and Soná, in the province of Veraguas; Taboga, in the province of Panama; and the partial plan of the Portobelo district, in the province of Colón.

With these local and partial plans, which aim to promote the use, occupation and management of the land, in accordance with the economic, social, urban and environmental objectives in the study area, a population of approximately 68 thousand 663 Panamanians benefits. .

According to the document, the other 10 plans being developed in the country present significant progress, such as that of the district of Santiago, in the province of Veraguas, which is already 98% complete, was accepted by the Municipal Planning Board and It is pending to go to the building chamber for approval by municipal agreement.

The local plans of Bocas del Toro, in the province of the same name; Boquete and Tierras Altas, in Chiriquí, have the documents 100% completed and are pending approval by the Planning Board and subsequent approval by the Municipal Council.

Meanwhile, in the district of Pedasí, in Los Santos, the finalized documents are pending to be delivered to the Municipality, to be reviewed by the Planning Board and subsequently to be accepted by the commune through a municipal agreement.

The Master Plan for the Eastern Administrative Nodal Center, which will benefit the capital townships of Las Garzas, San Martín, Pacora, Tocumen and 24 de Diciembre, is 85% complete and is pending three citizen participation meetings and approval of the study of transit.

Likewise, the local territorial planning plan for the districts of Arraiján and La Chorrera, in Panama Oeste, has a progress of 62%, where workshops 3 and 4 of the coordination meeting with the Planning Boards are missing, for the review the draft proposals and coordinate the citizen participation consultation.

6/10/2024 10:30:44 AM