Panama regulates the operation of its Public Employment Service

The Ministry of Labor and Labor Development (Mitradel), regulated the Public Employment Service of Panama through Executive Decree No. 3 of April 22, 2024, establishing the legal provisions for the operation of a Public Employment Service in accordance with the established by Convention 88 of the International Labor Organization (ILO), ratified by Panama in 1970 and by the second chapter of the Labor Code related to the placement of workers and the Employment Service.

The Ministry of Labor and Labor Development (Mitradel), regulated the Public Employment Service of Panama through Executive Decree No. 3 of April 22, 2024, establishing the legal provisions for the operation of a Public Employment Service in accordance with the established by Convention 88 of the International Labor Organization (ILO), ratified by Panama in 1970 and by the second chapter of the Labor Code related to the placement of workers and the Employment Service.

"It is a historic moment for the country, today we held the first meeting of the Advisory Council of the Public Employment Service, we materialized the structuring of an employment service, focused on the needs of people seeking employment and companies that need personnel, With this regulation of the norm we direct the actions that we develop as a society,” said the Minister of Labor, Doris Zapata Acevedo.

The national director of Employment of Mitradel, Alfredo Mitre, explained that the decree determines a procedural regulation for private companies to report vacancies and for job seekers to report their skills in order to promote effective intermediation. for the generation of formal work relationships. It also has the responsibility of generating reports through official statistical reports on the country's workforce needs.

With the intention of addressing the situation of informality in the country, the national registry of self-employed workers was created, which is an identification platform that seeks to assist and guide independent workers for the formalization of their ventures in order to provide them with the social protection that work requires.

In the VI and final chapter of the Executive Decree, provisions are established for companies to publish vacancies within a certain time and for job seekers to attend the job proposal that a company offers them.

This decree reinforces the commitment that Mitradel has to promote decent work and equitable and safe hiring, with equal opportunities for all as part of the actions that contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals related to the elimination of poverty and The discrimination.

5/30/2024 2:44:21 PM