The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Panama, Javier Martínez-Acha Vásquez, met with his Spanish counterpart José Manuel Albares Bueno, reaffirming the historical ties between both countries and opening a new stage of collaboration, including the possible integration of Panama into MERCOSUR. Furthermore, Spain expressed its solidarity with Panama and its support for the country's exclusion from the European Union lists.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Panama, Javier Martínez-Acha Vásquez, met with his Spanish counterpart José Manuel Albares Bueno, reaffirming the historical ties between both countries and opening a new stage of collaboration, including the possible integration of Panama into MERCOSUR. Furthermore, Spain expressed its solidarity with Panama and its support for the country's exclusion from the European Union lists.

“It is important to clarify that Panama is not a tax haven. We are, on the other hand, an investment paradise, thanks to our legal security and our financial and economic stability,” said Foreign Minister Martínez Acha Vásquez.

The renewal of bilateral relations was highlighted and an invitation was extended to Panama to hold the Second Meeting of the Political Consultation Mechanism in Madrid.
Spain also offered greater cooperation in various areas of attracting investments and technological development.

During his visit, Chancellor Martínez-Acha participated in an important business meeting organized by the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE), ICEX Exportation and Investment and the Spanish Chamber of Commerce. At the meeting, strategic projects were presented that promise significant benefits for Panama, including:

-Creation of a new train that will connect the city of David with the capital.
-Expansion of the Panama metro.
-Construction of a water treatment plant on the Santa María River.

The chancellor highlighted Panama's potential as a commercial and logistics hub in Latin America, highlighting legal security and a regulatory framework favorable to investment, elements that are highly valued by Spanish companies.

Benefits for Panama:
1. Key Infrastructure Development: Significant improvements in transportation and essential services.
2. Attraction of Foreign Investment: Promotion of capital and technology for the growth of the country.
3. Employment Generation: Creation of new job opportunities for Panamanians.
4. Strengthening Public-Private Cooperation: Promotion of strategic alliances that benefit both nations.

Martínez-Acha also stressed the importance of recovering Panama's democratic reputation and announced a first-rate international agenda, with Panama as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for the period 2025-2026.

7/16/2024 12:16:16 PM