President Cortizo Cohen delivers the health centers of Las Mañanitas and Caimitillo, equipped and with health personnel

• The president highlighted that after facing challenges such as the pandemic, the National Government delivers these important works and reaffirms that it has been the administration that has made the largest social investment in the history of the country. • The Las Mañanitas Health Center benefits more than 60 thousand inhabitants of Panama East, and the Caimitillo one will serve an estimated population of 28 thousand people from Panama North.

Reaffirming the commitment of the National Government that health is a State issue to benefit the most humble Panamanians, the President of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizo Cohen, today carried out his 827th and 828th activities in 59 months of administration, in which he inaugurated two health centers, located in Las Mañanitas and in Caimitillo, both in the province of Panama.

“With the construction of infrastructures like this, our government continues to fulfill the commitment to prioritize health as an issue of State and human rights to contribute to the well-being of Panamanians,” said Cortizo Cohen in the first installment, which consisted of the inauguration from the Las Mañanitas Health Center, east of the province of Panama, accompanied by the head of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre, and the vice governor of the province of Panama, Elsa Grinard.

The Las Mañanitas Health Center was built with an investment of B/.14,223,160.04 and benefits more than 60 thousand inhabitants of the eastern area of ??the province of Panama.

The facilities have human, technical, medical and administrative resources; with comprehensive programs and services for the health care of children, adolescents, adults and older adults, as well as mental, oral, occupational, nutritional health, vaccination and monitoring of epidemiological diseases, tuberculosis control, National STI Program /HIV and viral hepatitis, among others.

The president reiterated that, in 59 months of administration, his government has made the largest social investment in the history of Panama, as a contribution to the fight that all Panamanians must continue to reduce poverty and inequality gaps in our country. . The Chief Executive highlighted that, as in all works carried out by his administration, workers who live in the sector were hired in these projects, which generated employment and a sense of belonging in the communities.

Then the ruler moved to North Panama to deliver the Caimitillo Health Center, a work that benefits more than 28 thousand inhabitants of the area, including Calzada Larga and Nuevo Caimitillo. This Health Center, whose investment was B/.3.1 million, offers emergency services, outpatient consultation, dentistry, general medicine, gynecology and obstetrics, nursing, public health, and health promotion. It also consists of electrical generators, administration, wastewater treatment plant and others.

5/16/2024 9:53:02 AM