President Cortizo Cohen signs decree that regulates the new Medicines Law

One of the primary actions of the Government's Strategic Plan in terms of health was to go from “there is no” to “yes there is” in the supply of medicines.

The President of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizo Cohen, signed Executive Decree 27 that regulates the new Medicines Law 419 of February 1, 2024, which regulates medicines and other products for human health and the public acquisition of medicines, other products for human health, health supplies, medical devices and equipment.

The Executive Decree that regulates the Medicines Law consists of 836 articles that determine the regulatory procedures with the purpose of seeking short, medium and long-term solutions in the supply of medicines. It was prepared jointly with the members of the Medicines Technical Board made up of experts from the public and private sectors, medical groups, patients, among others.

Law 419 of 2024 is a novel law that contemplates a National Drug Supply Guarantee Plan that includes the concept of Solidarity Pharmacies. In addition, it establishes the National Drug Price Negotiation System of Panama (SINPREM).

President Cortizo Cohen pointed out that these measures have the purpose of strengthening a transparent system for the supply, traceability and safety of medicines and medical supplies at a better price.

Cortizo Cohen took the opportunity to thank the enormous effort of each of the members of the Medicines Technical Board and the work of the Vice President of the Republic, José Gabriel Carrizo, whom he appointed to lead this mission.

During the signing of the decree, the Chief Executive recalled that one of the primary actions of the Government's Strategic Plan in terms of health was to go from “there is no” to “yes there is” in the supply of medicines. “When we addressed the issue at the beginning of our management, we found multiple problems accumulated over decades that affected all factors of the supply chain,” he said.

Faced with the enormous dimension of the problem, it was necessary to elevate it to a State issue and to address it, the Technical Medicines Board was established, from which the necessary changes arose in the health regulations that governed this matter.

The president was accompanied by the Ministers of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre; Minister Counselor for the Facilitation of Private Investment, Alejandro Rojas; Ernesto Reyes, Executive Secretary of the Medicines Technical Board; Elvia Lau, director of Pharmacy and Drugs at the Minsa; Ana Patricia Cuestas, national director of Purchasing of the CSS, as well as representatives of the Medicines Technical Board.

5/15/2024 10:57:10 AM