President Cortizo Cohen imposes the Marta Matamoros decoration on the union leader Sonia Ortega García

Sonia Judith Ortega García de Montoya is a defender of the union rights of working women in Panama. This decoration has the objective of paying the country's tribute to a woman of integrity, of notable civic virtues and an exemplary social, political and cultural career.

The President of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizo Cohen, awarded the national decoration of the Marta Matamoros Order in the degree of Great Medal of Merit to the trade unionist, Sonia Judith Ortega García de Montoya, for the positive contributions that she has made as a Panamanian woman and worker. which result in gender equality and solidarity, thereby benefiting the women of this country.

“I have the privilege of imposing this decoration on an exemplary Panamanian who has contributed to building a better country and whose meritorious life honors the memory of the great leader Marta Matamoros,” said President Cortizo Cohen during the ceremony held in the Yellow Room of the Presidency.

“Throughout his professional life, he held and still holds important positions in the union sphere, in which he has stood out for his intelligence, perseverance, firmness and human sensitivity. As a union member, Mrs. Ortega García de Montoya has defended the labor rights of workers with the firm conviction in unionism as a collective mechanism for improvement that can contribute to sustainable and egalitarian human development,” added the head of the Executive.

Cortizo Cohen also highlighted that Mrs. Sonia Judith joined the patriotic struggles, always concerned about the improvement of Panamanians, the defense of our identity and collective solidarity.

For her part, Ortega García de Montoya was pleased to receive such a distinction as a tribute to who in life was Marta Matamoros, a woman of integrity.

The Grand Council of the Order, through a pristine public competition and subsequent evaluation process, chose Sonia Judith Ortega García de Montoya to be worthy of this recognition, given that her notable career and performance demonstrate the firm commitment to the promotion , defense and exercise of human, social, labor and union rights of women.

García Montoya was born in Panama City, on August 24, 1951; A dressmaker by profession, she is a Panamanian trade unionist, defender of the union rights of workers in Panama.

At the event, President Cortizo Cohen was accompanied by Ministers Doris Zapata, of Labor and Labor Development; Juana Herrera, from the Ministry of Women; María Inés Castillo, from Social Development; and Vice Minister Milagros Ramos, family members of the awardee and special guests.

5/22/2024 9:51:48 AM