President Cortizo Cohen visits first phase of the Elida Díaz Central Control and Monitoring Unit of Idaan

The president received the Idaan Master Plan, a crucial step of this administration to improve the quality and access to water in our country, prioritizing well-being and sustainable development. The Master Plan took into account the recommendations of the Bicentennial Pact.

The President of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizo Cohen, visited this Thursday the first phase of the Elida Díaz Central Control and Monitoring Unit, of the Institute of National Aqueducts and Sewers (Idaan), at the headquarters in Vía Brasil, with the purpose of Strengthen the ability to respond to customers in a timely and efficient manner.

Upon arrival at the Idaan facilities, the Chief Executive received the entity's Master Plan for the next 10 years, a crucial step by this administration to improve the quality and access to water in our country, prioritizing well-being and development. sustainable.

Juan Antonio Ducruet, executive director of Idaan, explained that the Master Plan was designed based on the recommendations of the Bicentennial Pact, with the aim of leaving the next administrations with a comprehensive plan of everything that is needed to continue strengthening the drinking water network in the country.

The Master Plan, which represents an investment of B/.2,890 million, is developed focused on three areas: Social Gap, Competitiveness and Sustainability, and covers the regions of Panama Metro, with 409 kilometers in new drinking water networks, and in Panama West, with 326 kilometers.

President Cortizo Cohen, accompanied by director Ducruet, took a tour of the Elida Díaz Central Control and Monitoring Unit, which places the institution at the forefront with the latest technology in safety and monitoring of hydraulic systems.

In this Center, monitoring is carried out from the Chilibre water treatment plant to Chepo, and will expand to the entire country following international standards. Through the use of telemetry and control devices, optimal and safe service is guaranteed for everyone.

In addition, it allows real-time recording of fluctuations in equipment, control of electrical events for immediate action, monitoring of wells, and registration of aqueduct networks at the national and customer level. The system controls Idaan's mobile resources to address leaks and institutional and private contract tank vehicles.

5/17/2024 9:27:26 AM