President Cortizo awards the National Order of Division General Omar Torrijos Herrera to a priest

For his relevant merits as an ecclesiastic and educator and invaluable educational and spiritual contributions to the country. He has been a parish priest in different communities and a member of the Presbyterial Council of the Archdiocese of Panama.

The President of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizo Cohen, awarded the General National Order of Division Omar Torrijos Herrera, in the degree of Commendation with Plaque, to the priest Vicente Amable Moreno Rodríguez, for his relevant merits, both religiously and academically.

“We are pleased, Father Vicente, to thank you for your contributions, for your works; Thank you for strengthening the minds and spirits of the people who have had the blessing of knowing, through you, the love of God,” said President Cortizo Cohen during the ceremony.

The Chief Executive thanked Priest Moreno Rodríguez for all his contributions to society. “It is a privilege for our country to grant him this decoration in tribute to a great human being,” he added.

For his part, Father Moreno indicated that receiving the General Omar Torrijos Herrera decoration “makes me proud because I am able to discover the high appreciation that you have for me, and it is recognition of all our work as a priest. This is an act of great feeling and value for me, since I am a graduate of the social transformation process led by General Torrijos. “I am honored because I knew him in life,” said the priest.

Vicente Amable Moreno Rodríguez, born in Los Santos, served as the first chaplain of the Public Force, from 1990 to 2013.

Father Vicente's dedication, as a priest, as a teacher and as an exemplary citizen, has had a profound impact on national life.

Moreno Rodríguez has an extensive career as a priest and educator; He studied at the José Daniel Crespo School in Chitré, Herrera province, and is a graduate of the San José de Panamá Major Seminary. He completed higher education at the Santa María La Antigua Catholic University (USMA) and at the Latin American University of Science and Technology (ULACIT), where he obtained bachelor's degrees in Philosophy, Ethics and Religion; Secondary Education teacher with a Postgraduate Degree in Pedagogy; master's degree in Education with specialization in Administration of Educational Centers and doctorate in Educational Sciences.

Currently, Moreno Rodríguez is a member of the Association of Private Universities of Panama and representative of private universities before the National Council for University Evaluation and Accreditation of Panama (CONEAUPA); He also belongs to the Council of Rectors of Panama and the Board of Trustees of the City of Knowledge. He also stands out as an honorary member of the Martyrs' Movement of January 1964.

5/31/2024 10:28:18 AM