President Cortizo praises the professional work of nurses when inaugurating the headquarters of the National Directorate. of nursing

President Cortizo Cohen fulfills his commitment to the country's nurses by creating the National Nursing Directorate and granting them headquarters in building 240 in the Ministry of Health

The President of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizo Cohen, praised the work carried out by the country's nurses, and particularly, he recalled the work carried out by the white angels during the critical years of the pandemic in which they managed to save so many lives.

On the occasion of International Nursing Day, which was celebrated last May 12, President Cortizo Cohen accompanied by the Minister of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre, participated in an event at the headquarters of the Ministry of Health (MINSA) to celebrate the date and at the same time inaugurate the headquarters of the newly created National Directorate of Nursing, a desire of more than 77 years of these health professionals.

“I want to tell you once again that it has been an honor and an extraordinary privilege for me to have worked hand in hand with you during the critical years of the pandemic and later in the monumental vaccination campaign that we carried out in Panama, which has been recognized as a “one of the best in the world,” highlighted the president.

He remembered March 4, 2021 when more than 800 nurses from all over the country met at the Vasco Núñez de Balboa Hotel El Panamá to start the National Vaccination Strategy against Covid-19, Operation PanaVac-19.

He indicated that during those days completed in which so many lives were saved, he was able to experience up close and admire the mystique, responsibility and love for others that nurses deliver every day to our Panamanian brothers. “It has been an honor to work with you,” the president told the nurses.

He announced that as part of the celebration of International Nurses Day, his administration created, through Decree 19 of April 11, the National Directorate of Nursing as an act of professional justice and recognition of the enormous value of their work, discipline, vocation and capacity. .

He also pointed out that building 240 has been assigned, a two-story building that will house the headquarters of the National Nursing Directorate from which nursing professionals will be able to organize and develop the work they do throughout the country.

He reported that his administration assigned a 7-hectare land for the construction of the new Faculty of Nursing of the University of Panama.

The event was attended by Elida Espinoza, president of the National Nurses Association, Mónica Rodríguez, in charge of cleaning and disinfecting hospitals and hotels during Covid-19, Melva Cruz, national director of Health, heads of national nursing and special guests.

5/15/2024 11:11:49 AM