President Mulino announces weekly dialogue with citizens and the media

El Presidente presentará los temas de interés nacional y de la agenda del Gobierno y luego responderá preguntas de los periodistas. La rendición de cuentas, la información transparente y clara de los proyectos de Gobierno serán un pilar de la gestión del Presidente.

President José Raúl Mulino, fulfilling his commitment to generate an open dialogue with society, informs that on Thursdays at 8:30 am, he will hold, every week and whenever the agenda allows, a press conference in the auditorium of the Palacio de las Garzas. The dynamic will begin next Thursday, July 18.

The President will present issues of national interest and the Government's agenda and then answer questions from journalists. Accountability, transparent and clear information on Government projects will be a pillar of the President's management.

Furthermore, in order to have direct communication with the population, one hour before each press conference, citizens will be able to send their questions and concerns through Social Networks, of which five will be selected for the President to respond to.

Questions for the President may be sent by citizens through the official accounts of the Ministry of the Presidency on Instagram:, on Facebook: /PresidencyPma; and in X: @presidenciapma.

These conferences will be broadcast live through the Instagram and YouTube accounts of the Presidency of the Republic: and

On the other hand, and in that order of ideas, last Tuesday the communication scheme that the Ministry of the Presidency will implement after the conclusion of the Cabinet Council was formalized.

After each Cabinet meeting, a Press conference will be held led by the official spokesperson of the Palacio de las Garzas, Sareis Pineda Troch, who will expand the information on the topics discussed on the agenda of said meeting. In this scheme, the spokesperson will also answer questions from the media, providing a direct channel of information to citizens.

Through this constant and direct dialogue, the Government will keep the population informed of the progress and findings within its administration, fulfilling one of its promises to speak the truth to Panamanians.

7/12/2024 9:47:42 AM