Professors from the University of Panama formalize their Union after receiving Legal Status from Mitradel

The Minister of Labor and Labor Development, Doris Zapata Acevedo, delivered the Legal Status to the National Union of Professors of the University of Panama (SINAPRUP).

Recognizing the right to organize for employers, employees and professionals of all classes, established in the Political Constitution of the Republic of Panama and in the Labor Code, the Minister of Labor and Labor Development, Doris Zapata Acevedo, delivered the Legal Status to the National Union of Professors of the University of Panama (SINAPRUP).

The head of the labor portfolio and graduate of the Faculty of Law of the University of Panama, expressed her pleasure with this formal delivery on behalf of the National Government, while urging the more than 2,000 professors of this house of higher education affiliated with the SINAPRUP, to work based on each of the points of labor and social improvement raised in the statute.

“This Legal Status is a commitment and responsibility that you acquire as members of this Union, since it becomes a tool that will benefit this educational community, by allowing the generation of consensus through an open, transparent and fluid dialogue in favor of of all the members,” said Minister Zapata.

For his part, the general secretary of SINAPRUP, José Blas Álvaro, thanked the management of Mitradel and the distinction given to them with this Personnel, precisely on the date that the University of Panama celebrates its 89th anniversary. “We all have to honor this commitment, since the best way to resolve differences is through consensus, fulfilling the fundamental task of continuing to enhance the value and role of the University now as a union.”

The SINAPRUP Board of Directors, composed of 16 main Secretaries with 14 substitutes, may promote solidarity and family unity, develop job and professional training programs with the purpose of raising the level of teachers and represent members in labor and judicial conflicts. and any other nature that motivates the employment relationship, among other objectives.

6/11/2024 10:19:16 AM