Requirements for the application of the yellow fever vaccine

The Metropolitan Health region, through the Nursing department, informs the population and especially those who will travel outside the country, that the yellow fever vaccine must be applied 10 days before the trip.

The Metropolitan Health region, through the Nursing department, informs the population and especially those who will travel outside the country, that the yellow fever vaccine must be applied 10 days before the trip.

Other requirements are: present your personal identity card (nationals), the residence card for residents in the country and the passport for foreigners.

The dose against yellow fever is not applied to children under 1 year and 3 months, pregnant women and/or nursing mothers in the first six months, immunocompromised patients, symptomatic HIV, hypersensitivity to egg or bird proteins, in an acute febrile state, nor to people over 60 years of age.

The yellow fever vaccine is free in Panama, you only have to pay for the international certificate, which costs B/20.00 (twenty balboas) for nationals and residents, and B/100.00 (one hundred balboas) for foreigners.

The Metropolitan Health region is located in the township of Ancón, Corozal, Los Ríos, final hospital street, with opening hours from Monday to Friday from 8am to 12pm and from 1pm to 2pm. For more information, contact 512-6617.
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