Health inaugurates three new facilities in San Miguelito

The San Miguelito Health Region (MINSA) inaugurated the new facilities of the regional Health headquarters, the Breastfeeding Room and the Employee Welfare office, located in this institution

The San Miguelito Health Region (MINSA), inaugurated this Monday, the new facilities of the regional Health headquarters, the Breastfeeding Room and the Employee Welfare office, located in this institution.

This new lactation room will benefit employees who are breastfeeding. The accessibility and free breast milk constitutes an instrument, the creation of these breastfeeding rooms contemplated in Law 50 of 1995 as in the Labor Code, responds to an outstanding debt with our collaborators as a right of mother and child, highlighted the regional director of Health of San Miguelito, Yaritzel Ríos.

The first Breastfeeding Room at the regional level is equipped with the necessary implements by the María Victoria Guiando con Amor Foundation, which will facilitate a pleasant moment between the mother and her baby, taking all health measures, said María Victoria Quebrada. .

These three significant achievements, such as the regional Health headquarters, the Breastfeeding Room and the Employee Wellbeing clinic, are an agreement of these strategic alliances to continue moving forward and moving towards the goals, visions and objectives that we want. He also urged the other health regions to join this significant achievement, this is the third health region that has a Breastfeeding Room, said the head of the Department of Health and Comprehensive Care of the population of the Minsa, Yeni Hooker. .

According to the WHO, breastfeeding is the best source of nutrition for the newborn, having a positive impact on health, creating an emotional bond between mother and baby, and helping to ensure good social and psychomotor development. This is why exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for six months of life.

For her part, Tatiana Cambra, a collaborator of the institution and who has a six-month-old baby, thanked the other collaborators for this initiative and shared her experience as a nursing mother, in addition to the support she has received from her co-workers at this stage.  She urged mothers to breastfeed their children exclusively for its benefits and the connection established with the baby.

Ríos emphasized that the Employee Welfare clinic seeks to reinforce actions for the benefit of the workers of this Health region in San Miguelito. A safe work environment improves productivity, reduces absenteeism, protects and respects the rights of employees, and creates a positive environment.
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6/19/2024 10:31:35 AM