Mass planting of Guayacán on Balboa Avenue

In a joint initiative with the Municipality of Panama, the Office of the First Lady and the Ministry of the Environment, more than a thousand Guayacán seedlings were planted.

Aware of working together as a Government of national unity, the Municipality of Panama (MUPA), the Ministry of the Environment (MiAMBIENTE), and the Office of the First Lady of the Republic, joined the massive day of planting a thousand seedlings of Guayacán in the townships of Bella Vista and Calidonia to implement the plan to green the district of Panama.

Minister Navarro said that “these events of reforestation, environmental restoration and respect for nature are important. We have to do in Panama what other cities have done with great success, such as Medellín, which has already converted its streets and rivers into green areas. It has also lowered the temperature in the city, combating heat and climate change, achieving better quality. of life for people and that is what interests us, a better quality of life for people while respecting nature.”

Navarro extended his congratulations to the mayor of the capital district, Mayer Mizrachi, to his team and to the Office of the First Lady for supporting the mayor's office in this great initiative, to plant these Guayacán seedlings together, which in addition, when they bloom they will be a beauty for the city, in favor of nature and the environment.

It is expected to continue building strategic alliances that allow creating synergies, as part of the lines of action that have been established in the Government led by President José Raúl Mulino, committed to protecting and conserving our green areas, forests, parks and national reserves.

7/12/2024 9:42:59 AM